$9.99/mo. per Fax to Email DID - includes 250 minutes of fax usage, $0.03/minute above 250 minutes.
Fax to email means that when someone sends a fax to your Crosstalk SIP Fax DID phone number, you will receive that fax as a PDF attachment to one or multiple email addresses.
Simply provide Crosstalk with the email address(es) that you would like to use for Fax to Email, and we can add them to your Fax DID.
Alternatively, you can set the email yourself in the Crosstalk SIP User Portal (CSUP). Once logged into the CSUP, click on the DIDs tab at the top, and then click to 'edit' your Fax to Email DID phone number.
Once you are editing the DID, click on 'Fax to Email' and set the email address you would like these faxes to go to. You can add multiple email addresses separated by a comma ( , ).
Click 'Update' to save your changes. Incoming faxes to this phone number will now be delivered as a PDF attachment to the email address(es) listed.
Email addresses have to be authorized to send email to fax. You can contact Crosstalk Solutions to let us know which email addresses are authorized per fax DID by emailing info@crosstalksolutions.com..
Alternatively, you can set up your own Email to Fax authorized email addresses by logging into the Crosstalk SIP User Portal (CSUP). Once logged into the CSUP, click on the DIDs tab at the top, and then click to 'edit' your Fax to Email DID phone number.
Next, click on the 'Email to Fax' tab, enter an email address into the 'Email' field at the bottom of the window and click 'Add Email.' That email will now be added to the list of authorized email addresses in the box above.
Once the Email to Fax emails have been entered, they will have to be approved prior to use. This approval usually takes less than 1 business day.
To remove Email to Fax authorized users, simply click the orange 'X' button next to the email you want to remove.
To send an outgoing fax via your Crosstalk SIP Fax DID, open your email client and create a new email.
Attach the document you wish to fax to the email (see 'Additional Information' below for valid attachment types).
Send email to fax##########@titaniumvfax.com where ########## is the destination fax number. For instance, if you wanted to fax a PDF document to phone number 3105551212, you would send email to 'fax3105551212@titaniumvfax.com.'
You do not need to enter a subject or anything in the body of the email.
Your email domain must have a SPF record configured. (For more information regarding SPF Records, click here).
Valid attachment types are:
.PDF (recommended for best results/success rate)
TIFF (Fax-formatted)